We made an effect test with almost 100 of our senior citizens with mild to moderate dementia. The intervention group had training on the Moto Tiles. The scientific study published in Practical Gerontology Journal showed that the dementia affected seniors improved on all the cognitive tests (MoCA) along with the physical tests. It is concluded that the Moto Tiles training can improve the cognition and motor function in elderly with mild to moderate cognitive impairment and can be promoted among the elderly
Shanghai i-Zhaohu senior care, Shanghai, PR
“Every older adult should have these” said the old lady with mild dementia. “My sister is using these tiles in another municipality, and she now walks so much better. She has improved so much. She keeps telling me this every time she calls me”.
Senior lady in senior care home, Copenhagen municipality,
“Now I only use the walker outside, before I also used it inside.”
86-year-old training 2 times a week at day care centre
“I hardly use my cane anymore!”
87-year-old training 2 times a week at day care center.
“My family has emphasized that I move more freely around the house now than before I started training.” “I do more at home myself than I did before.”
87-year-old training 2 times a week at day care center.
“My sons have commented that I can now get into the car much better myself when they pick me up.”
92 years old, training 2 times a week at day care centre.
“Before, my boyfriend went downstairs himself and picked up the newspaper. Now I go with him.”
79-year-old lady after home training.
“I go for longer walks with my dogs now. I can go all the way down to the water again.”
86-year-old training 2 times a week at day care centre.
“I was able to take longer steps, I stayed upright”
Senior citizen, Savonia University report
Moto Tiles is our best tool for training dynamic balancing. If you look at it a bit more generally, by increasing the citizen’s functional level, we have generally postponed their need to start up or more home help. This is generally seen in relation to the majority of citizens who have trained on tiles.
Tanja Højris Bendtsen, Physiotherapist, Faxe municipality
Play creates happiness, and the fun spirit mediates social interaction. With Moto tiles bringing fun, happiness, and life-quality to adults with special needs.
Blue Cross, Kheng ASD DAC
I was surprised that it was so easy to get started within just 1-2 minutes. The tiles are used as a tool to train both physical and cognitive functions, including balance, memory and coordination. But the technology can also be used to train residents’ abilities to understand complexity: There is a citizen who has difficulty keeping track of many activities, but she can keep track of the Moto Tiles. Because here the focus is on the tiles and not on her. Whereas it can be difficult to motivate for walks, for example, she can often be motivated to be active on Moto Tiles, where she moves around on the tiles and has gained the courage to try several different games. Sometimes there may be residents who just need to observe it, but what we experience is that when they sit and observe others dancing around Moto Tiles, they feel like trying.
Maja Basse Leth, occupational therapist, Bostederne Skanderborg,
We have been treating sclerosis patients with cerebellar ataxia with the playful rehabilitation on the Moto Tiles. We made different exercises with the Moto Tiles when the patient had to interact with the tiles and other objects, e.g. go back to sit on a bench in between each movement to go out and hit a tile. We found the sclerosis patients to be highly motivated and enthusiastic about the rehab with the Moto Tiles. We saw the patient improved balancing and proprioception, and improved ability of lateral movements and left-right distinction.
Dott. Saltarelli Nicola, Frosinone,
We have used the Moto Tiles during training and rehab for children. We experience that Moto Tiles provide the opportunity for motivating and inspiring training. The Moto Tiles increase the number of repetitions and have a positive effect, influencing that the pace and degree of difficulty are easily increased. The Moto Tiles have been tested on children with congenital brain damage, sensorimotor challenges, cancer patients, muscle wasting, etc. We have been impressed by how quickly you start training and how easy and intuitive the setup is. The motivation to try the tiles are great, for the children just looking at the tiles is an invitation to play. The playful approach provides good compliance and high training effect in physiotherapy.
David Fusager Johnsen, Children’s Therapy, Gentofte municipality
Ali Sadri is 10 years old and suffers from a mild form of Spastic Cerebral Palsy, he needs to work on his balance, but mostly he has to work on concentration, memory and coordination. Since he only has a mild form of CP (level I) he quite quickly gets the idea of the tiles, and how to use them. He is first a bit hesitant, but after a few tries it is clear that he likes it. He gets a few problems; if he does not step correctly on the tile first time, since he then has to concentrate on moving the weight back on that foot. Ali Sadri likes the lights, and under stands well how he has to turn off the lights while playing. The tiles system is very good. It works with many different areas, sensory motor, cognition, concentration, and even social skills, when the child is happy about playing.
Dr. Denis Rwelamira, Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es-Salaam
73-year-old Inger Boel, after a blood clot in the brain [stroke], has regained her stability through a rehabilitation course with Moto Tiles. Moto Tiles is an interactive training tool. There are tiles that light up in different colors. Different exercises / games can be done on them and can be graded by level. Inger has been very motivated and targeted throughout the process, as her greatest wish was to be able to travel to visit her son who lives in Thailand. And on April 30, 2018, it succeeded! When the staff asked Inger, if there were anyone who should be travelling with her, the answer was: “NO, why should there, now that I can do that myself?” Inger still uses her walker, which is a good support when she gets tired. But she has moved tremendously, and about the progress, Inger says: “It is liberating and I feel I have greater freedom. I can go to the bakery and grocery store whenever it suits me - I’m independent of others!“
Viborg municipality
The improvements are prominent and speak for themselves. There is significant development in both balance, strength and endurance. All senior participants in the Moto Tiles training say that they feel these improvements - the test results also give a clear insight into this progress.
Aktivitet og Udvikling, Viborg municipality
Arne has been on one of our Moto Tiles training teams. Every week for 4 months, Arne has taken his car and headed for the daycare center, where he has trained on our interactive Moto Tiles. Here he enjoyed himself with others, laughed and played in the training. But underneath all the fun and play, there is also the serious part: concentration, focus, sore muscles. The training focuses on endurance, body awareness, balance, strength and cognition. And Arne has taken some of the small exercises home with him. And all the effort has borne fruit: Arne used a 4-point cane when he started coming to the day centre. Now he goes outside and has gained a completely different freedom
Aktivitet og Udvikling, Viborg municipality
The improvements are prominent and speak for themselves. There is significant development in both balance, strength and endurance. All senior participants in the Moto Tiles training say that they feel these improvements - the test results also give a clear insight into this progress.
Aktivitet og Udvikling, Viborg municipality
At Malaysian Home Medicare, we had an older patient with wasted lower limb muscles. She could not stand up, but wanted so much to be able to go to her daughter’s wedding in Singapore two months later. 5 weeks of Moto therapy with nurse & caregiver physically holding her, Malaysian Home Medicare patient finally steps up after gaining strength & confidence in her legs. Walking unaided, with nothing more but a walking frame. She was able to travel and participate in her daughter’s wedding.
Home Medicare, Penang
After merely 4 weeks Moto Tiles training/play for seniors, ”the roller shifted to the walking stick, the medicine use diminished, the swelling of the legs decreased and the most important thing - the mind picked up.”
Satakunnan Kansa (newspaper), Pori
The elderly improve physical and mental health, and don’t need their walking sticks anymore, after the municipality has implemented the Moto tiles for play amongst the elderly in senior activity centers and day centers.
Furesø Avisen (newspaper),
“For the benefit of the service, most customers experienced benefit to the brain and to stay in physical body shape together with good mind.”
Evaluation report,
The improvements are prominent and speak for themselves. There is significant development in both balance, strength and endurance. All senior participants in the Moto Tiles training say that they feel these improvements - the test results also give a clear insight into this progress.
Aktivitet og Udvikling, Viborg municipality
The Moto tiles are a great way to increase physical activity in a way that is playful and fun but they have also shown to improve a person’s balance, mobility and cognitive function particularly in older populations. In addition, the tiles encourage our clients to engage together in shared experience to improve their social connectedness.
Georgia Kelaher, Exercise Physiologist, Integrated living,
“Former mathematics teacher (89 years old), who usually does not walk more than 4-5 meters at a time, could play memory games for 10-15 minutes without a break if she was allowed.”
Day care center staff.
“During the Easter holidays I polished my silverware, I haven’t done that for many, many years. I’m sure it’s because I’ve had more energy since I started training.”
84-year-old training 2 times a week at day care centre.
The use of tiles has been perceived to have a positive effect on the nurse-client relationship. According to the caregivers’ experiences, playing together has been perceived to equalize this relationship. “We have been more person to person, not so much a nurse-client relationship. As nurses, we feel this is good”
Home care nurse, Savonia University report.
“I became happier, I became more energetic, I learned how to cook at home better, I even started walking further than to the mailbox”
Senior citizen, Savonia University report
There is good news when it comes to the life expectancy of us older people. Because right now it only seems to be going one way, and that’s up. Play and playing games increase our quality of life and make us healthier in the long run. The researchers want us older people to take the game to us. We must take ownership of the game and play because it makes us feel good. And this has a noticeable effect on our health, a study shows. In five Danish municipalities, they recently decided to try a Moto Tiles course that combined training and play, and the results were astonishing. After a 12-week course, the elderly who took part in the trial experienced a markedly improved balance. Just as their strength in, among other things, the legs increased by 20% during the course.
Pensionist (magazine)
”I have been retired for thirty-three years. So, I’ve tried all sorts of things. And this has worked the best,”
Vappu Virtanen summarizes her own experience of Moto Tiles in Yle News,
Moto Tiles is the new anti-aging method for body & brain.
NHK TV “あさいち”,
We treat refugee ladies from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, who come here with post-traumatic stress disorder. It is difficult to communicate with the ladies and they are often extremely introvert. We have found the Moto Tiles to be the best tool to get these people moving, and when they start moving, they may have a little smile, which opens up for our social interaction with them. They play on the Moto Tiles out of free will for the fun and enjoyment. It is almost as the light on the Moto Tiles draws them to make the interaction. It improves their mood and their quality of life. The women on the team move freely and more appropriately without really thinking about it. They forget they are moving because of the playful element. They get short of breath, but without being afraid of it, and it is possible to motivate them for one more round. The competitive element when you stand 4 together gives additional motivation to move your feet quickly. They laugh together and become more present in the training. Several people also demand the Moto Tiles, as they thought they were good/fun to train with. We can see a lot of good possibilities in the tiles, and the playful element means that it is possible to push the citizens to something other than what we otherwise see. Some citizens can do more than they think they can, and we find that they move freely and very naturally in their eagerness to turn off the lights on the tiles. The training with the tiles creates joy and smiles in the training team and for some citizens it is new that movement can be associated with something nice.
Rehabilitation East, Vollsmose, Odense,
Beyond its physical benefits, emotionally it has also proven to be very useful. “We have done very nice things, for example with patients who have early stages of Alzheimer’s, who are now losing the recognition of their close relatives. As all the sounds are customized, we record the name of their children and their relationship prior to the sessions, thus, while the person is doing the physical process of pressing tiles, in one it says Pablo, in another María, then son or daughter, and “The patient has to recognize if Pablo is his son.” It also allows you to “break generational barriers”, playing with your grandchildren, partners or children, as you have already tried, says Sergio, who assures that “this way everyone laughs, has a good time and recognizes each other.”
Sergio Mejia, in 65ymas.com (magazine),
At our clinic at Neapolisanit, we are using Moto Tiles for playful training with children with autism, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), and motor dyspraxia. The Moto Tiles training works very well with the sensor-motor coordination needed to play the games. We are observing that the training is effective for the children, and that the dyspraxia is improving. Moto Tiles are used to identify possible correlations between the motor skills and executive functions of the child with autism and to verify whether certain technological solutions can be configured as possible devices for the rehabilitation treatment of patients with ASD. In particular, the use of the Moto Tiles offers benefits to children with autism who show moderate dyspraxia, especially when games that involve executive functions are used during the training sessions.
Angelo Rega, Neapolisanit